
Future-proof Your Business with Leading Managed IT Services

Partner with Synchroworks for unmatched security, unwavering support, and exceptional service.

91% of Successful Cyberattacks Start With an Email

Secure your email gateway to stay ahead of the email borne threats.

Protect Your Staff So They Can Protect You

Empower your team with cybersecurity awareness so they can safeguard your business from threats.

Cybersecurity Threats During COVID-19

Cybersecurity Threats During COVID-19

Cybersecurity threats increase by a third during the COVID-19 pandemic Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many organized crime groups have begun taking advantage of the challenging circumstances to target individuals and businesses.  Unfortunately, this includes an...
Common Website Vulnerabilities

Common Website Vulnerabilities

For many companies, preventing website vulnerabilities becomes a priority only after a security breach has occurred. And in 2020, websites seem to be getting less secure. According to The Cybersecurity Ventures Annual Crime Report for 2020, cybercrime damages are...