A Practical Guide to Modernize & Secure Workforce Tech for Small Businesses

A Practical Guide to Modernize & Secure Workforce Tech for Small Businesses

In the contemporary business landscape, organizations of all sizes face numerous challenges that impact daily operations, workforce technology implementation, and resource management. However, these challenges are particularly pronounced for small and medium-sized businesses due to limited resources like funding and manpower.Technology is a key...

8 Best Practices for Browser Extension Security

8 Best Practices for Browser Extension Security

Did you know browser extensions can pose risks to online security and privacy? Browser extensions have become as prevalent as mobile apps, with over 176,000 available on Google Chrome alone.Despite offering additional functionalities and customization options, many users download numerous extensions but only utilize a few. While these extensions...

How to Measure the Real Value of Cybersecurity

How to Measure the Real Value of Cybersecurity

The value of cybersecurity cannot be emphasized enough, particularly in an age dominated by technological advancements. As businesses become more dependent on technology to drive key operations, their risk of falling prey to cyber threats rises. 66% of small businesses are concerned about cybersecurity risk while 47% lack the understanding to...

How to Organize Your Cybersecurity Strategy into Left and Right of Boom

How to Organize Your Cybersecurity Strategy into Left and Right of Boom

In the pulsating digital landscape, every click and keystroke echoes through cyberspace. The battle for data security rages on. Businesses stand as both guardians and targets. Unseen adversaries covet their digital assets.To navigate this treacherous terrain takes a two-pronged approach. Businesses must arm themselves with a sophisticated arsenal...

Beware of These 2024 Emerging Technology Threats

Beware of These 2024 Emerging Technology Threats

The global cost of a data breach last year was USD $4.45 million. This is a 15% increase over three years. As we step into 2024, it's crucial to be aware of emerging technology threats that could potentially disrupt and harm your business.Technology is evolving at a rapid pace. It’s bringing new opportunities and challenges for businesses and...

Why You Need to Understand “Secure by Design” Cybersecurity Practices

Why You Need to Understand “Secure by Design” Cybersecurity Practices

Cybersecurity has evolved into a fundamental cornerstone on which numerous aspects of business rely. Whether operating a large enterprise or a small business, prioritizing network security is imperative due to the enduring consequences of cyberattacks.The landscape of cyberthreats is dynamic, marked by a significant increase in both frequency and...

The Most Secure Way to Share Passwords with Employees

The Most Secure Way to Share Passwords with Employees

Breached or stolen passwords pose a significant challenge to the cybersecurity of any organization, accounting for more than 80% of data breaches. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities through stolen, weak, or repeatedly used (and easily exploitable) passwords.Technologies such as biometrics and passkeys have not entirely replaced passwords in our...